Primary cephaleas, a revision of its diagnosis and therapeutic approach


  • Ángel A Monti Instituto de Nurociencias Córdoba.
  • Francisco J Rapela Instituto de Nurociencias Córdoba.
  • Elizabeth A Bacile Bacile Instituto de Nurociencias Córdoba.
  • Diego Uberti Instituto de Nurociencias Córdoba.


primary headaches, migraine, tension-type headache, cluster, JHS criteria


This review focuses on primary headaches, its diagnosis aral treatment. Fbr the JHS specialists they are: migraine, tension-type headache (TTH), cluster and others. Migraine: the second in prevalence and the flrst in morbility, clinical features and differences between migraine with (Ma) and without aura (Mo). Epidemiology: 10% prevalence and 3:1 women to men proportion. Patophysiology: primary central nociception disorder with secondary vascular involvement. Treatment: specific and non-specffic, acule and preventive. Psychiatric disorders and migraine: there is evidence of clinical and pharmacological links, mainly hetween Ma and several psychiatric disorders.

Migraine in childrens: irnportant clinical and therapeutic differences from adult, importance of family approach. Migraine and hormones: the importance of estrogen drop, as trigger factor. treatment. Migraine and epilepsy: both shares neuronal hyperexcitability pattern. Migraine and stroke: vascular and ischemic factors involved. Evidence-based medicine: improves treatment's results and studies outcome evaluation. TTH: first in prevalence, still highly subdiagnosed. Main clinical presentations: episodic and chronic. Epidemiology: slight female preponderance. Patophysiology and trigger factors: the role of hmbic nociceptive system, sedentarism stress and muscular tension. Treatment: pharmacological and non-pharrnacoiogical. Cluster headache: low prevalence but high daily-living activities impact, effective treatment. Other primary headaches: variability of trigger factors and role of desensitization process. Conclusion: we remark the complexity of headache and the of physicians role: to relief patients suffering, throughout a precise diagnosis and treatment.


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How to Cite

Monti Ángel A, Rapela FJ, Bacile Bacile EA, Uberti D. Primary cephaleas, a revision of its diagnosis and therapeutic approach. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 26 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];63(3):53-64. Available from:



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