Iron biochemical screening and development, in infants from 6 to 24 month, by socioeconomic background, Córdoba Argentina


  • Lucía N Batrouni
  • Ana M Frassoni
  • Mariana A Eandi
  • Graciana Dasbul
  • María F Piran Arce


iron, anaemia, development, socioeconomic levels, infants


Aims: To correlate the ¡ron biochemical screening with cognitive and motor development,  related to social background, in 6 to 24 month infants. Melkiods: a population - based study of 276 children. The ¡ron deficiency was determine by the modified criterion of Hillman  (1996), combining three different screenings tests: serum ferritin, hemoglobin and  erythrocyte protoporphyrin. To analyse development we used Bayley II Scale. Results and  conclusions: the anaemia was significative different (p< 0,05) between social levels, 36%  in children with low socioeconomic background. 8% for the hlgh one and ¡ron deficiency without anaemia 42% in the total population. The motor development was homogeneous by  social groups, showed 1% significative delay, 8% light delay. But the mental development  shows significative differences (p<O,OS) in both light and significative delay, been the  just affected children with low soctoeconomic background.


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Author Biographies

Lucía N Batrouni

Departamento de Alimentación. Fundación CLACYD.

Ana M Frassoni

Departamento de Alimentación. Fundación CLACYD

Mariana A Eandi

Departamento de Alimentación. Fundación CLACYD

Graciana Dasbul

Departamento de Alimentación. Fundación CLACYD

María F Piran Arce


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How to Cite

Batrouni LN, Frassoni AM, Eandi MA, Dasbul G, Piran Arce MF. Iron biochemical screening and development, in infants from 6 to 24 month, by socioeconomic background, Córdoba Argentina. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 12 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];63(3):9-16. Available from:



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