Psycho - pathological risk factor of arterial disease (prevalence, superposition or vinculation with other factors).


  • RJ Madoery
  • HA Luquez
  • L De Loredo
  • DJ Carri
  • H Roiter
  • G Bauducco
  • L Bilbao
  • P Brousset
  • A Dávila
  • ME Fissone
  • S Herrero
  • O Luchino
  • F Nucíforo


alexitimia, depresión, reactividad vascular, riesgo global arterial


Alexitimia and depression may or not coexist with others risk factors (comportment o physical). Frecuently they have relation with socio-echonomic status and with ethnia. Sometimes are determinants of the atherosclerotic process by increasing the vascular  reactivity o by the alteration of the evolution. There is no information in our country about this problem in general population. The present study result of the investigation of these  aspects and the comportamental and physical factors of arterial disease, in a population of  Cordoba province (Argentina Republic).


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How to Cite

Madoery R, Luquez H, De Loredo L, Carri D, Roiter H, Bauducco G, Bilbao L, Brousset P, Dávila A, Fissone M, Herrero S, Luchino O, Nucíforo F. Psycho - pathological risk factor of arterial disease (prevalence, superposition or vinculation with other factors). . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 6 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];64(1):30-7. Available from:



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