Relationship between academic performance, psychological well-being, and coping strategies in medical students


  • Silvina M. Trucchia Admission Departament, SM,UNC. Department of Medical Anhropology. SM, UNC.
  • Marcela M. Lucchese Admission Departament, SM, UNC
  • Julio E. Enders Admission Departament, SM, UNC
  • Ruth Fernández Admission Departament, SM, UNC.



academic performance, psychological well-being, coping strategies, medical students


Introduction: Academic performance is a product of the complex environment that surrounds the student, shaped by aspects such as intensity of study, motivation and context of relationships, which affect the academic achievement of individuals. There may be other psychological or emotional factors, such as anxiety, level of psychological wellbeing, and behavior strategies for effective adaptation to concrete environment demands
and their associated emotional stress.

Objectives: This research study aims at determining the level of sychological well-being and coping strategies in students of the Basic Common Cycle of studies leading to an MD degree in the School of Medicine of the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

Methods and materials: This is an observational study based on a “Questionnaire on determiners of academic performance”, that was answered by 374 students. Data was processed using statistical bivariate analysis (p < 0.05) and multiple correspondence factorial analysis.

Results: Students with “VG/G (Very Good/Good) performance” show high levels of satisfaction and well-being use direct coping strategies which lead them to “cope with problematic situations” by means of “problem solving”. Students with “R/I (Regular/Insufficient) academic performance” declare “dissatisfaction with most aspects of their personalities”, feel unable to give a satisfactory response to environment demands, and assume “avoidance behaviors” as coping strategies.

Conclusions: Student academic performance is associated with psychological well-being, feeling of satisfaction with achievements, and coping with stressful situations. 


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How to Cite

Trucchia SM, Lucchese MM, Enders JE, Fernández R. Relationship between academic performance, psychological well-being, and coping strategies in medical students. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2013 Sep. 7 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];70(3):144-52. Available from:



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