Evaluation in 18 hours of Cardiac Dynamics with the Mathematical Law of Dynamic Systems


  • Signed Esperanza Prieto Bohórquez
  • Javier Oswaldo Rodríguez Velásquez
  • Catalina Correa Herrera
  • Juan Mauricio Pardo Oviedo
  • Javier Ardila




chaos, fractal, law, chaotic law, cardiac dynamics, diagnosis, arrhythmia


Introduction: an exponential law has been found for chaotic dynamic cardiac systems, making it possible to quantify the differences between normal and pathological cardiac dynamics. Methodology: 120 electrocardiographic records were analyzed, 40 corresponded to subjects within the limits of normality and 80 with different pathologies. For each holter the attractors generated with the data during 18 hours and throughout the dynamics were analyzed. The fractal dimension of the attractor and its spatial occupation were calculated. To these measures was applied the diagnosis mathematical evaluation previously developed, comparing the evaluation for 18 hours and for the whole registry; sensitivity, specificity and Kappa coefficient were finally calculated. Results: For the normal dynamics, the occupancy spaces in the Kp grid were between 200 and 381 for the evaluation of the whole holter, and between 201 and 384 in the evaluation during 18 hours, showing the closeness in the measurements, which allows that the decrease in the time of the evaluation is consistent, this same proximity was observed for the diseased and acute dynamics. Conclusion: It was evidenced the clinical applicability in 18 hours of the exponential law in the chaotic cardiac dynamics associated with arrhythmias showing to be useful for the prediction of the evolution towards acute states of the dynamics


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How to Cite

Prieto Bohórquez SE, Rodríguez Velásquez JO, Correa Herrera C, Pardo Oviedo JM, Ardila J. Evaluation in 18 hours of Cardiac Dynamics with the Mathematical Law of Dynamic Systems. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 8 [cited 2024 Jul. 17];74(4):313-9. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/16308



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