Edad de mernarca. Caracteres sexuales secundarios. Interrelación. Tendencia secular


  • Sabina Zurlo de Mirotti Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Escuela Superior de Comercio "ivf . Belgrano" U.N.C.
  • Aida Lesa Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela Superior de Comercio "ivf . Belgrano" U.N.C.
  • Margarita Barrón de Carbonetti Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela Superior de Comercio Manuel Belgrano






Our purpose rvas to detemrine the mean age of menarche in young felnales of our population. To relate nrenarche rvith rnaturation stages of secondary sex character. To observe ifthe secular trend persist after the flrst observation. Consister.rtly trvo tenrporal observations spaciated f'or l0 years rvere perflormed. Trvo hundred and eighty three health¡, rvor.nert rvho belonged to a higher middle-level ar.rd attending a high school frorn Córdoba National University u,ere studied. Such wonlerl rvere in an age range
betrveen 1 1.0 to 18.0 ¡rears. Anthroporneh'ic and bioiogical rlaturatior.r examination rvere undeñaken (Tanner). 'fhe mean age of onset of secondary sex characters rvas determined in a longitudinal follorv-up group (54 girls). The meanage of nrenarche in the overall sar.nple rvas determined by the retrospective nrethod and in the subsample of 54 girls longitudinally followed in the 70-80 decade was determined by the ZURLO DE MIROTTI Y COL. prospective method in wtich the menarche rvas ccrrelated with stages of nranrary developr.nent (B) an pubic hair (PFI). The mean age of rnenarche in 146¡,oungfemalesu,ith a follorv-upfrom 1.98 I rhrough l.990 rvas detemlined. ln the overall sample the niean ofage ofmeuarche rvas of 12,59 years + 1.17; in the subsample (54 girls) of 12,75 years + 1.03. In this subsamplel0.37oA of tlren.r had the rlrenses in the 83 stage,22.22%o in 84, 5,5%o in 82 and 1.85% in 85.74.07yoPH3,18.51% in PH4, 0.52oA in PH2 and none in PH5. In the sample of 146 young females rvith a follorv-up betrveen I 98 I and 1 990 thenrean ageofmenarche rvas 12.36 years. If this result is compared with that of the 54 girls longitudinally follorved in the
prior decade and rvith the overall sample, a difference of0.39 years and 0.23 years respectively is proved. This difference favoring an earlier age of menarche rvould show: 1') That in our environment the secular trend is maintained, the age advances 4 months every I 0 years and 2o) That the longitudinal prospective method is l.nore reliable than the rctrospective one.

Author Biographies

  • Sabina Zurlo de Mirotti , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.Escuela Superior de Comercio "ivf . Belgrano" U.N.C.

    Cátedra de Pediatría y Neonatología
    Centro Universitario de Atención del Adolescente

  • Aida Lesa, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela Superior de Comercio "ivf . Belgrano" U.N.C.

    Cátedra de Pediatría y Neonatología,
    Centro Universitario de Atención del Adolescente

  • Margarita Barrón de Carbonetti , Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Escuela Superior de Comercio Manuel Belgrano

    Cátedra de Pediatría y Neonatología
    Centro Universitario de Atención del Adolescente


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Original Papers

How to Cite

Edad de mernarca. Caracteres sexuales secundarios. Interrelación. Tendencia secular . Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 1995 Oct. 1 [cited 2024 Oct. 20];53(Suplemento 1/2):7-14. Available from: https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/med/article/view/40742

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