Actividad física e insulinorresistencia en dos comunidades rurales de Córdoba - Argentina
From the AF, the smaller risk is controversial. The influence of the general and environmental cornponents on IR is not know in a satisfactoryway. Objectives: The influence of AF on the prevail IR in two rural cornmunities of Córdoba with different fenotipical configuration and IR risk. Material and methods: Transverse stucly (survey, clinical and biochemnical checkup) over 1143 people of Oncativo community (ON) and Dean Punes (DF), conclusion: n=673 (30-60 years oid) Normal ECG, no diabetics. Sorts AF according to the spend of calores (Kcal/sern): a) sedentary (<500), b) Iow(5001-1000), e) regular (1001-2500), and d) High (>2500). IR is HOMA> 2,5; where [HOMA = (Glucemia * Insulina) / 4.5]. Results:AF: 31,4%sedentary, 20,2%
low, 26,3% regular and 22,1% high. 16,5% IR in ON opposite 34,8% en DF (P< 0,00 1), IR in ON 8,2% with AF high opposite 18,8% the rest (P=0,032), 36,8% and 34.2% like in DF (P= 0,67). With the adjusted results for age and community it was found less IMC (P= 0,002) and waist circumference (P= 0,042) than the most category of AF The blood pressure liad not a meaningful change, lipid profile or HOMA depending of AF Conclusion: if a benefit of AF over IR exists, it will be conditioned for genetics and environmental primaries determiners
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