Maternal mortality. Necessary revision for its knoledge, medical and social causes and a proposal of actions to be taken for jts reduction
Maternal mortality is a portrait not only related to maternal health and to the characteristic of the medical services, but
also to the social, cultural and political conditions of a given societ. It occurs 120 bubas pregnancy every year ami almost 600.000 women die because of causes related to pregnancy, delivery or puerperal diseases, 95% of those deaths occur jo unclerdeveloped countries. In Swiss, Finland, Canada and Holland, 4 deaths are registered, while in Somalia and Nigeria 1000 death are reportcd for cach 100.000 alive new baby (Ny), Meanwhile, lo Latín Arnerica and the Caribe. 190 death are reporten, alniost 23.000 women death every year, which clearly shows a great difference between countries. These differences also occur within a given country, as in Argentina. where the prevalence is 44 for each 100.000 Ny, Buenos Aires has 9 while Formosa as 177.
Wc pointed out that nonqualified medical services is a very irnportant fact on the aboye mentioned maternal death, because of the lack of attention of the sepsis, the hemorrahages, the prolonged delivery work and the eclampsia. But abortion is the most irnportant cause of maternal death. We mentioned the social, educational and sanitary facts of ¡Ilegal abortion. la developed countries pre eclampsia is the main factor. It is mentioned the strategies of the International Conference "Maternity without Risk" carricd out in Nairobi in 1987 and the Task Force Inter Regional Agency for the Reduction of Maternal Mortality. 2004 as a good recomrnendation to be taken into account in orcier to dirninish maternal rnortality. Wc propose to highlight the use of the Maternal Mortality Committee aoci the application of the Epidemiological Survey System, lo order to dirninish maternal
niortality aoci sorne particular ones for the prevalent pathobogies and it is concluciecl that maternal rnortality could dirninish not only with better sanitary conditions, but also with equal social conditions, specially in underdevelopeci, countries where thissituation is a real problem
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