Pain Of Not Being Part, Pain Of Not Fitting

Other Environmental Knowledge Like Decolonial Pedagogies



Decolonial pedagogies, Decolonial ecopedagogy, Knowledge ecology


This text arises from dialogues between subjects at two levels. Interested in articulating their listening and other learning experiences with decolonial theories, during a period of formal academic training, the Imaginary and environmental discipline of the Doctorate in Environmental Sciences, we collectively propose breaks between languages, legitimate and validated or not, and the pedagogies, in different epistemological perspectives. For this reason, we propose to look at the experiences of formation lived and collectively articulate the decolonizing meanings that emanated from them, first in their narration in the classroom, and then in the collaborative writing and DIY of experiences and languages ​​in the Brazilian states of Tocantins and Acre, members of the Brazilian Legal Amazon. The experiences deal with escapes in urban art and fanzines as a translation of the anguish of adolescence in the urban context of Palmas, the capital of Tocantins; the regularization of quilombola territories, as is the case of the Mumbuca Community, in the Jalapão region, and their dumping process; documentary and cinematographic reflections on the impact of hydroelectric dams on the Xerente indigenous people, also in Tocantins; in the learning of a research team when he decides to listen and learn from the wisest how to deal with the land, in the Natividade region and in the memories about education and being an educator of an Amazonian rubber collector, documented by his granddaughter. The result leads to the assumption of the various forms of environmental knowledge through which ecological complexity is produced and expressed, opening gaps for the decolonization of perception and of the formative processes built in non-Eurocentred spaces and languages.


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How to Cite

Pain Of Not Being Part, Pain Of Not Fitting: Other Environmental Knowledge Like Decolonial Pedagogies. (2020). Interstices of Politics and Culture. Latin American Interventions, 9(18).