Interruption and neuter in Maurice Blanchot

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Federico Cortés


This article focuses on four texts published by Blanchot in the Nouvelle Nouvelle Revue Française in 1964, which five years later were part of The infinite conversation: "The interruption", "The Athenaeum", "The narrative voice" and "The wooden bridge ". Beyond the temporal criterion that brings them together, we consider that these texts allow us to organize Blanchot's work, focusing on the logic of interruption and the neuter in relationship with one of his most recurrent concerns: the reflection on the literary creative act, insofar as it introduces a specific relationship between a self and an other that interrupts the dialectical functioning of culture. To achieve this objective, we will review the history of Maurice Blanchot's work starting from one of the first episodes of its reception in English: The Blanchot reader published by Micheal Holland in 1995.


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How to Cite
Cortés, F. (2020). Interruption and neuter in Maurice Blanchot. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–18. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Federico Cortés, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Federico Cortés has aLicenciate degree in Literature from the National University of La Plata. He is currently working on his Doctorate in Letters at the Institute of Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (IdIHCS, UNLP-CONICET) through an Internal Doctoral Scholarship granted by CONICET. The doctoral thesis plan is called "Maurice Blanchot in Argentine literary criticism: reception, uses, resistances", directed by Alberto Giordano and co-directed by Miguel Dalmaroni.


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Blanchot, M. (2007). La parte del fuego. España: Arena Libros.

Blanchot, M. (2008). La conversación infinita. España: Arena Libros.

Holland, M. (1995). The Blanchot Reader. Inglaterra: Blackwell.

Levinas, E. (2000). Sobre Maurice Blanchot. Madrid: Editorial Trotta.

McKeane J. y Opelz H. (2011). Blanchot Romantique. A Collection of Essays. Alemania: Peter Lang.

VVAA. (1991). Boletín / 1 del Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria. Argentina: UNR.