“Fire in the Archive”. Amerindian practices, knowledges and repertoires in Contemporary Latin American Culture

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Florencia Garramuño


During the first decades of the 21st century, Amerindian practices, knowledge, imaginaries, and repertoires gained unprecedented visibility. Works and installations by Amerindian artists are featured in art biennials, and texts by Amerindian writers and intellectuals win prestigious awards for the first time in history. In this paper, I analyze some Amerindian practices and repertoires to interrogate how they pluralize the pasts of Latin American culture, and their legacies, but also, I would like to suggest, the forms, materials, and repertoires of what we understand today as contemporary art and writing in Latin America.


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How to Cite
Garramuño, F. (2024). “Fire in the Archive”. Amerindian practices, knowledges and repertoires in Contemporary Latin American Culture. Heterotopías, 7(13), 1–19. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/45451
Author Biography

Florencia Garramuño, Universidad de San Andrés-CONICET

Florencia Garramuño received her PhD in Romance Languages and Literatures from Princeton University. She is a full professor in the Department of Humanities at the Universidad de San Andrés, and an independent researcher at CONICET. She received the John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship and has been Tinker Visiting Fellow at Stanford University and Edith Kreeger Wolf Distinguished Professor at Northwestern University. She published Genealogías Culturales.  Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay en la novela contemporánea, 1980-1990, Modernidades Primitivas: Tango, Samba y Nación, La experiencia opaca, Mundos en común. Ensayos sobre la inespecifidad en el arte y Brasil Caníbal. Entre la bossa nova y la extrema derecha. Her latest book, La vida impropia, was published by Eduvim in 2022. She has translated texts by Silviano Santiago, Ana Cristina Cesar, João Guimarães Rosa and Clarice Lispector, among others. 


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