"Fort Apache": Paradigm Analysis of an urban intervention.

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We begin this work by examining the historical-disciplinary context, subsequently
emphasizing the representations that the discipline built at that particular moment on the
production of social housing, for which we will resort to the techniques provided by cultural
history. We will then address the characterization of Ejército de los Andes neighborhood,
known as Fuerte Apache, trying to discriminate between objective statements and facts,
recognizing those shortcomings of a housing plan that arose from this set of uncritically
accepted beliefs and procedures.


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How to Cite
Cravino, A. (2023). "Fort Apache": Paradigm Analysis of an urban intervention. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1–20. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/43601
Author Biography

Ana Cravino

Ana Cravino holds a PhD from FADU-UBA. Master in Educational Project Management, CAECE. University Professor, UM. Architect, UM. Professor of the Seminar of Introduction to an Epistemology of Architecture and Design in the Doctorate of the FADU-UBA. Professor of the Seminar on Epistemology of Design Research in the Master's Degree in Design Research at FADU-UBA. Professor of the Doctorate in Design (Lab II - Thesis Workshop), Universidad de Palermo. Professor (Historiography Workshop, Thesis Workshop, General Seminar) and member of the Academic Committee of the Master in History of Architecture, Design and Urbanism at FADU-UBA. Professor 2019 of the elective subject Research: Frameworks, concepts and tools; for all undergraduate courses at FADU-UBA. Professor of the Master in Interior Design, Universidad del Azuay, Cuenca, Ecuador. Professor of Project Research Methodology and Research Methodology in Sustainable Architecture in the Master's Degree in Sustainable Architecture, UC. Adjunct of Scientific Thinking at the CBC UBA. Categorized researcher of the Program of Teaching Incentives of the National Ministry of Education. Researcher at the University of Buenos Aires, Palermo and ITBA. Invited professor at universities in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Argentina. Author of the books: Investigación y Tesis en Disciplinas Proyectuales. Una Orientación Metodológica; Reflexiones sobre la Teoría y la crítica; Cambios curriculares en la carrera de Arquitectura; Enseñanza de la Arquitectura. A Historical Approach; Architecture and Technique. Co-author of the books: IADU: investigación en arquitectura, diseño y urbanismo, Secretaria de Investigación FADU-UBA, among other texts. Author of numerous publications in refereed journals in Argentina and abroad. Referee and member of scientific commissions of journals in Argentina and abroad.

Correo: cravino.ana@gmail.com


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