Social housing and governmentality in Latin America. Homeownership as a mode of political subjectivation

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Aurélie Quentin


This article aims to contribute to the debate that has been going on for some years
in the social sciences on how neo-liberal governmentality affects subjectivities. He is
interested in the links between access to property and the political production of urban
spaces in Latin America, considering this process as one of the effects of this subjectivation.

Through a study of the political rationality of the housing subsidy program
developed in Ecuador since 1998 and a survey carried out in Quito among a group of
women who have benefited from it, it seeks to shed light on how this means of access to
housing has a concrete effect on the transformation of subjectivities, leading to a
weakening of the "general will" of individuals. It shows that this can be achieved through
the objectification of the "beneficiaries", individual responsibility, the standardization of the
relationship to housing and the depoliticization of forms of social regulation.


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How to Cite
Quentin, A. (2023). Social housing and governmentality in Latin America. Homeownership as a mode of political subjectivation. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1–23. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Aurélie Quentin, Universite Paris Nanterre

Aurélie Quentin is a researcher at the Laboratoire Mosaiques-LAVUE and full professor of urban studies at the University of Paris Nanterre, specialized in public action on housing and urban policies in Latin America. She obtained her PhD from EHESS in 2009 and has worked on several research projects in Ecuador in collaboration with the French Institute of Andean Studies (IFEA), and FLACSO-Quito for 15 years. Between 2018 and 2020 she carried out, with the support of IFEA, the research project Neoliberalism and construction of urban citizenship: access to housing of the popular classes in Medellin, in alliance with the Center for Popular Habitat Studies of the National University of Colombia - Medellin branch, where she organized in 2022 the international seminar Popular Habitat Governance in Latin America: genealogical and empirical perspectives to understand housing policy in neoliberal governmentality. She has also participated in the international program Rethinking the Right to the City from cities in Africa and Latin America and coordinated, with Aurelia Michel, the dossier Le droit à la ville et la question urbaine en Amérique latine, in Problèmes d'Amérique latine (2018/3 n°110). She is currently developing her research in a comparative framework between Colombia and South África.



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