The Urbanite Body

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Néstor Casanova Berna


This article proposes tackling urban dwelling by closely monitoring the daily activity of the people populating the city. It attempts to observe the ways in which urbanites carve out the urban landscape in order to confer upon it a peculiar, distinct, and light, soft architecture that borders the urbanistic and architecturally constructed public and private spaces. It is from a Dwelling Theory that it even becomes possible to better understand the context that is actually experienced in the urban territory. A comparison is therefore made between the manner in which the body of the urbanites themselves serves as the guideline for one of the major community works of art made by humanity: the city itself. This is followed by a special consideration regarding certain fundamental activities or gestures that the inhabitants realize in their daily lives, comprising a concrete urban architecture. This concise review concludes with how the architecture of the constructed city restricts and offends the fragile constitution of today’s urbanite.



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How to Cite
Casanova Berna, N. (2023). The Urbanite Body. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1–16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Néstor Casanova Berna, Universidad de la República Montevideo

Néstor Casanova Berna (San Carlos, Uruguay, 1958) is an Uruguayan architect. He has taught Theory of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of the Republic, in Montevideo. He has developed his theoretical-architectural research activity, which is the origin of his particular interest in the Theory of Habitation. He has numerous books and articles published such as Hacia una teoría arquitectónica del habitar (2013. CSIC-UDELAR, Montevideo), and the article Place and space in the city. A necessary conceptual distinction in urban theory, in Pensum Magazine. Volume 7. Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design, National University of Córdoba. December 2021.ISSN: 2469-0724 (pp. 1-12).



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