The neoliberal city revisited Codes, urbans agreements, and social conflicts. The State at the service of the real estate market. Argentina (2012-2022)

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Carolina Peralta


After the result of the PASO On August 13, 2023 in Argentina, the most voted force in the figure of Javier Milei, opens the possibility of the return of neoliberalism to the government and a review is timely. Neoliberalism has been evolving in the world for more
than eighty years; During this time, it has deployed its postulates in various forms of territorialization. Cities have represented a privileged scale for its reproduction. It is proposed in this article to make an extract of its postulates and historical evolution based
on a bibliographic review. It is complemented by the analysis of the instruments for applying neoliberal urban policies: “a new generation of urban codes” and “urban agreements”. Comparative studies are collected from the cities of Buenos Aires,
Córdoba and Rosario in Argentina between 2012 and 2022. The new codes and urban planning agreements are constituted as urban management instruments that articulate specific arrangements established between development companies and the city
government. The objective is to observe the impact of this instrument between the years 2012-2022, and its implementation in these three cities in relation to social conflict. Finally, it is concluded that the territorialization of the neoliberal city through this
instrument has led to channeling a strong flow of capital from other formal and informal sectors of the economy; and on the other hand to the establishment of exclusive highend territories within the cities; generating more inequality, fragmentation due to
accumulation of exceptions, since these agreements are approved under a tax collection logic, with strong social segregation, and territorial imbalances. It has accentuated conflict between neighbors, where the unequal territorialization of neoliberal projects is
manifested, characterized by their variable, multi-scalar and interconnected geographic matrix.


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How to Cite
Peralta, C. (2023). The neoliberal city revisited Codes, urbans agreements, and social conflicts. The State at the service of the real estate market. Argentina (2012-2022). Heterotopías, 6(12), 1–22. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Carolina Peralta, Instituto de Investigación de Vivienda y Hábitat FAUD-UNC

Architect. Urbanist. Master in Urban Development, FAUD UNC. Doctor in Demography (FCE - UNC). Full Professor of Urbanism in UNLaR. Retired Professor of Urban Planning and Architecture. Postgraduate Teacher of MGyDH and of the Master of Urban Planning, FAUD-UNC. She directs researchers, research teams, fellows, teachers and assistants on urban issues. She has publications in national and foreign references. Author of Urban Geography of Córdoba (2012). Her professional work is oriented towards technical advice for medium and small municipalities. She is a member of University management committees. Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group. (AUGM). UNC Human Rights Observatory Commission. Doctoral Thesis: Urbanization and spatial redistribution of the population of the Province of Córdoba between 1914-2010. PhD in Demography, FCE-UNC.



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