Notes on 40 years of democracy in Argentina: how to continue naming, thinking and desiring it

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Ana Levstein
Tadeo Otaola


The geopolitical context of the so-called "democracies", more than ever, reveals their fragility and what we call here, with Derrida, the inexorable law of autoimmune suicide that runs through them as "cracy", force, self-authorized authority of the "demos". This places democracy in a semantic vacuum with regard to its present, so it is always "to come". In this reflection, we consider "democracy" as a gift in the Derridean sense. That is, it necessarily refers to the economy, to the circle of obligation, exchange and debt (like law), but in the double bind of being interrupted by an aneeonomic decision, of which it is heterogeneous, strange (justice), but inseparable. Democracy as such is then an aporia. An experience of the impossible. We also address a point considered a pivotal point, 20 years after democracy: the debate known as "You will not kill", in 2004, in the Córdoba magazine La Intemperie, directed by Sergio Schmucler, with the idea of tracing its effects of eventability  20 years later, regarding the unanswerability of the question of what is fair.


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How to Cite
Levstein, A., & Otaola, T. (2023). Notes on 40 years of democracy in Argentina: how to continue naming, thinking and desiring it. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1–25. Retrieved from
Inscriptions of the catastrophe
Author Biographies

Ana Levstein, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Ana Levstein holds a PhD in Literature and a Master's degree in Sociosemiotics. Member of the Human Rights Program of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. Professor of the Doctorate in Social Communication of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the National University of Córdoba. She is currently working on a book In fraganti y en fragancia: ¿Se puede firmar con un perfume? where she investigates the logics of the performative and the unconscious within the framework of an olfactory socio-semiotics in a Derridean key.

Tadeo Otaola, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

B.A. in Social Communication. Doctoral Fellow of the Secretariat of Science and Technology (Se.C. y T. ) of the UNC with the Research Project: "El trabajo que no cesa: política, memoria y técnica en la obra de Héctor Schmucler (1983-2019)" Centro de Investigaciones en Periodismo y Comunicación (CIPeCo -FCC- UNC). Adjunct Professor at the Seminar "Communication Theories III" (FCC-UNC). Author of the article "Cultural materialism in algorithmic automation. Problems and perspectives". Published in: Subjectivations and resistances: articulations between politics, art and communication in contemporary experiences. Comp. Dr. Laura Maccioni and Dr. Silvina Mercadal. Lago Editora. 2020. Author of the review: "El archivo de una roca o la materia y su fantasma. Una aproximación al materialismo de los medios de Jussi Parikka" Published in Cuadernos del CIPeCo Vol.2 - 2023.


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