Speculative fiction: dystopias between the local and the global

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Magdalena Uzín


According to Donna Haraway’s definitions, we understand science fiction as a speculative artifact that allows us to think of a present that is absent, but possible, among the ruins of a present that is impossible, but real. In the last two decades, there has been an expansion of fictional discourses, globalized audiovisual series as local literary productions, inscribed in a dystopian mode of science fiction, but also in fantasy and other forms of alternate worlds creation. In many of these discourses, human reproduction in its biological sense takes a central place. We will approach a number of audiovisual fictions (series), globally distributed (The Handmaid's Tale, The House of the Dragon, Helix, Orphan Black, Westworld) in dialogue with local literary productions such as Cadáver Exquisito (Exquisite Corpse), Episodios de cacería (Hunting Episodes), Distancia de rescate (Rescue Distance), all from the last decade (2013-2023). The discussion on the material and affective configuration of a body as human travels through genres, discourses and geographical and time frontiers to bring light on dystopian zones of the extratextual present of our experiences. The stories we will analyze revolve around the topic of human body (re)production as a conflict between technology and humanity, copy and repetition, individual and State, nature (environment) and technology (capitalist production) showing the sharpest faces of their confrontation, pointing at the same time that those dystopian extremes are already here, in the impossible present of our existence.


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How to Cite
Uzín, M. (2023). Speculative fiction: dystopias between the local and the global. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1–17. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41655
Author Biography

Magdalena Uzín, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Full Professor of Literary Theory (School of Letters, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities). Researcher (Adjunct) at the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba. She directs the research project Políticas discursivas de la diversidad sexual. Tecnologías de los afectos (Consolidar 2018-2023 project, Secretaría de Ciencia y Técnica, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). PhD in Literature and Master in Sociosemiotics. Editor in Políticas discursivas: diversidad, afectos, géneros (2023) Collections of the CIFFyH, Córdoba, Publications Area of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities. Compiler in Da Porta and Uzín (2019) Miradas sobre el presente. Discourse as practice, practices as discourses. Córdoba, Editorial Centro de Estudios Avanzados, FCS, UNC and Ferreyra Editor. Author of Vacilaciones del género. Construcción de identidades en revistas femeninas, Córdoba, Editorial del CEA, UNC.


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