The intimate layers of a life

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Silvia Cattoni
Daniele Petrella


This article offers two commentaries on Aún aprendo. Cuatro experimentos de filología retrospectiva by Carlo Ginzburg. The fundamental aim is to highlight the intellectual power that distinguished Ginzburg’s thought, analyzed in light of his career as a historian. In this respect, the article is articulated in two parts: the first one, based on an analysis of the four essays that make up the book, highlights the crucial moments of a process of formation and consolidation of the method of microhistory in its anthropological historical dimension. The second one, focussed on the essay “Los Benandanti. Cincuenta años después”, from the emotional effect that every act of reading promotes in the reader, recovers the intimate tone of the intellectual biography that Ginzburg provides in this work.


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How to Cite
Cattoni, S., & Petrella, D. (2022). The intimate layers of a life. Heterotopías, 5(10), 295–304. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Silvia Cattoni, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Silvia Cattoni holds a PhD in Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, is a teacher and researcher at the FFyH and the FL of the UNC. She directs the Secyt-UNC project "Intimacy and memories in the writings of the self". She has focused her interests in the field of Italianist literature with a comparative perspective that prioritize the language shift and the relations between Italian and Argentine literature. Latest publications: Poesia delle donne, poesia in traduzione, poesia trilingue. Il Canzoniere per Giulio di Daria Menicanti (2022). Latest translations: Daria Menicanti. Il cacodemone e il grillo. The cacodemon and the cricket. O cacodemonio e o grilo. (2022), Giacomo Leopardi Thoughts of (2022).


Daniele Petrella, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Daniele Petrella holds a PhD in Philosophy. He teaches at the School of Philosophy of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba and the Faculty of Human Sciences of the UCAMI. He studies contemporary philosophy and has published works on phenomenology and neo-Kantianism.



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