Subject and truth: towards a genealogy of militant subjectivity

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Roque Farrán


For some time I have inquired about the problematic of the subject and the truth, in conceptual and practical terms, always reading at the same time the intellectual debates within the left-wing thought and the situated political conjuncture (Author). However, lately and increasingly, especially because of the implications of the pandemic, I have decided to give greater emphasis to the practical role of philosophy and its force of subjective transformation at all possible levels. In this practical turn, as I call it, the question of militant subjectivities has been taking on greater prevalence in order to constitute a situated and critical thinking of the present (Author). I consider it necessary to make a genealogy of militant subjectivity that takes as main reference our recent history, to locate the limits of the present. In this sense, first of all, I would like to recount the encounter with two exemplary investigations that helped me to think of a possible thread of this genealogy: the relationship with the dead, ghosts and disappeared; I refer to the investigations of Mariana Tello Weiss and Vinciane Despret. Secondly, I want to open the field to new connections and compositions with other ongoing research and interventions that investigate this same problem. Finally, I would like to bring back those Foucaultian traces that outline a genealogy of revolutionary subjectivity to understand the limits of our current constitution.


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How to Cite
Farrán, R. (2022). Subject and truth: towards a genealogy of militant subjectivity. Heterotopías, 5(10), 265–278. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Roque Farrán, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Roque Farrán was born in Córdoba in 1977. He has published the books Badiou y Lacan: el anudamiento del sujeto (Prometeo, 2014); Nodal. Método, estado, sujeto (La cebra/Palinodia, 2016); Nodaléctica. Un ejercicio de pensamiento materialista (La cebra, 2018); El uso de los saberes. Filosofía, psicoanálisis, política (Borde perdido, 2018; El diván negro, 2020); Leer, meditar, escribir. La práctica de la filosofía en pandemia (La cebra, 2020); Escribir, escuchar, transmitir. La práctica de la filosofía en pandemia y después (Doble ciencia, 2020); La razón de los afectos. Populismo, feminismo, psicoanálisis (Prometeo, 2021); Militantes, ¡ocúpense de sí mismos! (La red editorial, 2021); Escribir, escuchar, transmitir. Crítica, Sujeto y Estado en Pandemia (El diván negro, 2021); collectively edited Ontologías políticas (Imago mundi, 2011), Teoría política.Perspectivas actuales en Argentina (Teseo, 2016), Estado. Perspectivas posfundacionales (Prometeo, 2017), Métodos. Aproximaciones a un campo problemático (Prometeo, 2018). He is an Adjunct Researcher at the Conicet, PhD in Philosophy and BA in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba; research member of the Program of Studies in Political Theory (CIECS-Conicet), where he directs the group on Materialist Thought.



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