Alguna montaña nos sostiene hoy. Resistencias geológicas

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alguna montaña
Ariana Andreoli
Patricia Álvarez
Tania Bilbao
Martín Bolaños
Vanina Bradach
Graciela Hermoso
Marcela Cecilia Marín
Luciana Mellado
Pablo Paniagua


From a general theme that, in a first instance and provisionally, we have provisionally named as performative writing around our mountains, our work consists of playing, imagining, risking forms of writing crossed by a geology and genealogy of revolt and resistance in its defense against extractivism.

What mountains surround us, how do we name them?

 Just at the moment when the belly of the hills was lost, I felt fear. Walking there was not my thing. They were not there. It didn't take me long to go back. Although to go back, I go up; I live below, next to the river that is drying up.

Plateaus, walls -it seems that the wall is the edge of the plateau-, Sierras Chicas, hills. Cordón del Plata, frontal cordillera...every time I leave home and look to the west, it embraces me, sings, whispers, moves, shouts, blows What memories, what edges and overflows, what communal bards lodge these mountains?

Where are the ancestors? The Aymara language mused hankuqawa, white tunic.

Where are the ancestors? Look at the majesty of the aCONcAGUA; with water, with water. The ancestors woke up and walked Mendoza in a hot December 2019.

The relief body of the earth, a geographical fault. Between and with these unevennesses of the ground the rains are welcome, the suns expanded, the ocher autumns loved, the frosts appeasing. The macabre fires, the sinister clearing enrages the mountains, the sierras move, the guardians of the forest are alerted, they fly over, they roar. Poetry, lair and sorcery.

How to be singularized as a fragment of a topological rockiness? Discontinuities, fragments, mineral graphies that resist and make memory in cosmological traces.



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How to Cite
alguna montaña, Andreoli, A. ., Álvarez, P. ., Bilbao, T., Bolaños, M. ., Bradach, V., Hermoso, G. ., Marín, M. C., Mellado, L., & Paniagua, P. (2021). Alguna montaña nos sostiene hoy. Resistencias geológicas. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–4. Retrieved from


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