I remember… Anarchivist autobiographical writings

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Silvia Susana Anderlini


The work raises questions about the representation of memory in certain contemporary autobiographical texts, investigating a probable emancipatory dimension produced from the interruption of the narrative structure and the chronological linearity of memories. These writings of life are approached from an anarchivist perspective, as counter-critique of an archivistic autobiographical paradigm, whether this referential, subjectivist or deconstructionist. The emergence of such writings from the 70s (as I remember by Joe Brainard and I remember by George Perec) challenge the usual approaches in autobiographical studies (focusing on either bios, autos or graphe). The antecedentes of a possible postgraphe would be in certain sides of Walter Benjamin’s –sometimes heterogeneous and fragmentary –thought and work, such as the antisubjetivism and collecting, as well as in collector and obliquely autobiographical representations of some atlas (like those of Warburg, Serres and Richter) with enumerations structures, lists, and catalogues, also present in One Way Street and in The Passages. From this perspective, we address aspects of current works of Édouard Levé, Margo Glantz, and Martín Kohan, who also were put in operation this “machine of remembering”, considering the link with digital networks (as in the case of Glantz), and the critical and participatory potentiality -because they can be copied and continued by others- that resides in these apparently banal writings of memory.



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How to Cite
Anderlini, S. S. (2021). I remember… Anarchivist autobiographical writings. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–18. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/36348
Author Biography

Silvia Susana Anderlini, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Silvia Susana Anderlini holds a PhD in Modern Letters (UNC) and is a researcher in the Letters Area of the Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme de Burnichon (FFyH, UNC), as an adjunct professor of Aesthetics and Modern Literary Criticism at the School of Letters. She is a full professor of Literary Hermeneutics and Criticism, and Contemporary Linguistics at the Catholic University of Córdoba. She is also full professor of Language, Literature and its Didactics at the Provincial University of Córdoba. She has been editor of Pelícano, journal of the FFyH (UCC), and member of its Editorial Committee. Since 2006 she has directed accredited research projects, and has taught graduate courses at UNC and UCC. She has received literary awards in essay and narrative, and is the author of essays and articles on hermeneutics, aesthetics and contemporary literary criticism, focusing in recent years on autobiographical studies. Her latest book, La vida como alegoría. Anti-subjective considerations of autobiographical writing (2017) has been published in Córdoba by Alción. In the same publishing house he has published with Jazmín Acosta and Sebastián Negritto the book Sobre espectros, autoexilio y narrativa. The autobiographical machine of the twentieth century (2012). She is currently Director of the Consolidar Project "El yo/otro emancipados: hacia una escritura autobiográfica anarchivista", subsidized by Secyt (UNC).





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