The translator factor in cultural exchange: the role of the subject

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Raúl Bueno


This article undertakes a review of the field of cultural translation to then explore the translation involved in cultural contact, as it occurs with heterogenous migrations and those exchanges and transferences known as transculturation. The argument herein introduces and highlights a precondition: the translator factor. This includes the circumstances surrounding the translating person – the migrant individual for example – which motivate an understanding of socio-cultural differences, and a valorization, either positive or negative, of possible transcultural actions. In this sense the translator factor is the moment and the space in which the new circumstances of the individual – concrete heterogeneous situations and the demands and needs such situations create – lead that individual to become a translating subject of cultural components.


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How to Cite
Bueno, R. . (2021). The translator factor in cultural exchange: the role of the subject. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–20. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Raúl Bueno

Raúl Bueno (Raúl Bueno Chávez). Peruvian poet, researcher and university professor. He holds a doctorate in literature from the Universidad de San Agustín, a certification in semiotics from l'Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, and honorary degrees from San Marcos, Dartmouth College and the Universidad Ricardo Palma. He is professor emeritus of San Marcos, San Agustín and Dartmouth College. Between 1997 and 2009 he was Director of the Revista de Crítica Literaria Latinoamericana (RCLL). He has published six books on literary theory and criticism, including Poesía hispanoamericana de vanguardia: Procedimientos de interpretación textual (1985), Antonio Cornejo Polar y los avatares de la cultura latinoamericana (2004) and Promesa y descontento de la modernidad: Estudios literarios y culturales en América Latina, which won the Ezequiel Martínez Estrada Essay Prize from Casa de las Américas, Cuba (2012).


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