The threads of power and the weft of resistances: expropriation and social struggles

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María Alejandra Ciuffolini



The impact of the extensive process of reconfiguration of capitalism that operated under the neoliberal command, whose definitive institutionalization in our country occurs in the 90's, can only be fully understood if we inscribe it and analyze it from the devices of power and subjectivation that have made it possible. In our opinion, this process needs to be placed within the framework of neoliberal capitalism as a device of power and subjectivation that modulates both institutionalized practices and those practices that resist it. If we consider that such a government structure has shown a global vocation to flood all spaces and social relations, it is not wrong to assume its disposition to go through even the practices of resistance and opposition.

The concern behind this article is that the principles of neoliberal logic have advanced, more subtly or more fiercely, to permeate resistance practices and the way in which the expression of opposition, discontent, protests or rebellions become governable. Even though in each conflict the chaotic and destructive aspect of the prevailing social-political-environmental-economic model undresses; capable alliances offering an alternative to transform this reality have not been consolidated. Vulnerability -current and/or potential- is the anchoring condition for the production/reproduction of capital, but also to resist these relations of domination and subordination.

However, for now, it is not possible to speak of a weft and a language that is capable of supporting and stabilizing the wide repertoire of conflicts on a path of emancipation.

Keywords: capitalism; subjectivation; precarious; expropriation; social struggles



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How to Cite
Ciuffolini, M. A. . (2021). The threads of power and the weft of resistances: expropriation and social struggles. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–13. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Alejandra Ciuffolini, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Ph.D. in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). She is currently a full-time researcher at the National University of Córdoba (UNC). She is Director of the Master in Sociology at the Center for Advanced Studies (UNC), Professor of Contemporary Political Theory and Legal Sociology at the UNC, and is a member of the Social Council of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UNC. Since 2004, she has directed the Research Team "El llano en llamas" (, dedicated to the study of conflicts and contemporary social struggles in Latin America. Currently, her research aims at explaining neoliberal forms of government and dispossession in contemporary capitalism. She has been the head of the journal Crítica y Resistencias (ISSN: 2525-0841) since its creation in 2015.


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