Conflictos territoriales y territorialidades en disputa: re-existencias y horizontes societales frente al capital en América Latina

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Ana María Vargas
Ángeles Muriel Morales
Clara Emilia Aibar
Sara Celia Abbondanza


About Porto-Gonçalves, C. W..... [Et al.] (2021). López. P; Betancourt, M. S. (Coords.). 1st Ed. Ciudad Autónoma De Buenos Aires: CLACSO. Digital Book. Digital Archive: download and online ISBN 978-987-722-901-1.


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How to Cite
Vargas, A. M., Morales, Ángeles M., Aibar, C. E., & Abbondanza, S. C. (2021). Conflictos territoriales y territorialidades en disputa: re-existencias y horizontes societales frente al capital en América Latina. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–7. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Ana María Vargas, UNCa – CONICET

Advanced student of the Bachelor of Archaeology and the Bachelor of Cultural Heritage at the School of Archaeology of the National University of Catamarca, province where she currently resides. Since 2018 she integrates the project in charge of the director Dr. Silvia Carina Valiente: The coloniality of nature in peripheral spaces of global capitalism. The production of "other" knowledge as practices of re-existence in Andalgalá. Catamarca. Argentina (UNCa - CONICET).

Member of the Group of Studies on Everyday Spaces and Memories, School of Archaeology- UNCa.


Ángeles Muriel Morales, UNCa - RIDAP

Advanced student of Archaeology at the School of Archaeology of the National University of Catamarca. She is part of the Group of Studies on Everyday Spaces and Memories of the School of Archaeology- UNCa.

Member of the Editorial Committee of La Zaranda de Ideas - Journal of Young Researchers in Archaeology.

Member of the Information and Discussion Network on Archaeology and Heritage (RIDAP) and the Feminist Collective (RIDAP).


Clara Emilia Aibar, UNCa – CONICET

Advanced student of the Lic. of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the School of Archaeology of the National University of Catamarca. Since 2018 she integrates the project in charge of the director Dr. Silvia Carina Valiente: The coloniality of nature in peripheral spaces of global capitalism. The production of "other" knowledge as practices of re-existence in Andalgalá. Catamarca. Argentina (UNCa - CONICET).

Member of the Group of Studies on Everyday Spaces and Memories, School of Archaeology- UNCa.


Sara Celia Abbondanza, UNCa – CONICET

Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities - National University of Catamarca, with a degree in Geography. Graduated from the specialty in Higher Education and ICT of the Ministry of Education of Argentina. Graduated from the Master in Spatial Information Applications of the F.a.M.A.F - National University of Córdoba - National Commission of Spatial Activities. Currently doctoral fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina, researching rurality from the underlying territorialities and alternatives to development in Andalgalá - Catamarca (1990-2020). Since 2018 she integrates the project in charge of the director Dr. Silvia Carina Valiente: The coloniality of nature in peripheral spaces of global capitalism. The production of "other" knowledge as practices of re-existence in Andalgalá. Catamarca. Argentina (UNCa - CONICET).