The anthropogenic trauma Nightmares as theexperience of horror in a psycho-historicalperspective

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Germán Prosperi


According to Aby Warburg, the historical psyche, which is essentially schizofrenic in nature, originates from a primal phobos instilled by the Monstrum, that is, the Chaos or the non-human Outside. Based on Warburg's observation, I will demonstrate three theses: 1) the psychic cleavage Warburg suffere disrelated specifically to imagination; 2) to understand this psychic cleavage, two forms of imagination shoud be distinguished: a symbolic imagination, that join sorconnects two elements, and a diabolic imagination, that splits the elements and introduces a pause between them; and 3) the typical experience of schizofrenia that constitues Mnemosyne is the nightmare.


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How to Cite
Prosperi, G. (2020). The anthropogenic trauma: Nightmares as theexperience of horror in a psycho-historicalperspective. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–22. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Germán Prosperi, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Germán Osvaldo Prósperi has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National University of La Plata, Argentina. In the year 2017, he completed a Post-Doctorate in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Buenos Aires. His main areas of work are philosophical anthropology and metaphysics. He is the author of the books: Vientres que hablan. Ventriloquism and Subjectivity in Western History (La Plata: FaHCE, 2015); The Breathing of the Self. Apnea and Dreaming in Hegelian Philosophy (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2018); and The Optical Machine. Anthropology of the Phantom and (extra)ontology of the Imagination (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2019). He currently works as professor and researcher at the Faculty of Humanities and Education (National University of La Plata).


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