University outreach and other forms of social partnership as sources of learning to transform universities

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Daniel Mato


This article argues that the actions that are increasingly carried out by the secretariats, or pro-rectories, of social outreach of Latin American universities, as well as the various modalities of social partnership practiced by numerous university teams in an articulated way with their teaching and / or research, not only contribute to improving the quality of these other university functions, but also that these institutions carry out useful learning to transform themselves permanently, ensuring that their work is pertinent and relevant to the societies of which they are part, thus preventing them from accruing ivory towers, as they have frequently been criticized. This argument is supported by the results of the development of two lines of research. One of them carried out between 2011 and 2013, with the collaboration of the chairs of over than 200 university social outreach experiences and other modalities of social partnership developed by teams from 39 Argentine public universities with communities and social organizations. The other is a line of research and action, started in 2004 and still ongoing, dedicated to studying the relationships between higher education institutions and communities of indigenous and Afro-descendant peoples in Latin America, aimed at formulating policy recommendations and institutional transformations that guarantee the rights of these peoples and contribute to improving the academic quality of these institutions.


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Mato, D. (2020). University outreach and other forms of social partnership as sources of learning to transform universities. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–9. Retrieved from
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Author Biography

Daniel Mato, Universidad Tres de Febrero - CONICET

Daniel Mato. PhD. in Social Sciences (Universidad Central de Venezuela, 1990), BA in Economics (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 1974). Since 2010, he has been Head Investigator of the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research - CONICET. Since 2012 he has been Deputy Director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Advanced Studies at the Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero - UNTREF; and Director of the Program for Communication and Intercultural Learning of university teams in experiences with communities and social organizations in Argentina, of the Program for Higher Education and Indigenous Peoples and Afro-descendants in Latin America, of the same Center. Since 2018 he has been the Director of the UNESCO Chair in Higher Education and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Latin America. In 2014, he promoted the creation of the Inter-University Network on Higher Education and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Peoples in Latin America (ESIAL Network), of which he has been the Coordinator since then and which currently includes the participation of sixty universities from ten Latin American countries. He was the Coordinator of the Thematic Area "Higher Education, Cultural Diversity and Interculturality" of the 3rd Regional Conference on Higher Education (CRES 2018). Between 1978 and 2010 he was a professor and researcher at the Universidad Central de Venezuela.  He has been a visiting professor at universities in Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain, the United States, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. He is the author of numerous publications in the fields of cultural diversity, interculturality and higher education, and culture, communication and social transformations, including seven books and more than a hundred articles in academic journals and chapters, and has edited/coordinated 15 collective books. Since 1986, he has been developing various work experiences in collaboration with intellectuals and indigenous and Afro-descendant organizations in several Latin American countries. E-mail: 


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Mato, D. (2015). Vinculación social universitaria en Argentina. Diversidad de orientaciones de trabajo, logros y dificultades de las experiencias apoyadas por el Programa Nacional de Voluntariado Universitario. CPU-e, Revista de Investigación Educativa, 20, 132 - 149.
Mato, D. (2016). Educación Superior y Pueblos Indígenas en América Latina: Del “Diálogo de Saberes” a la construcción de modalidades sostenibles de “Colaboración Intercultural”. Tramas/Maepova, 4(2), 71-94
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