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Sara Ahmed
Beto Canseco
César Tisocco


In this text, the feminist writer Sara Ahmed suggests thinking about the limits of positive thinking. Making use of black feminisms and feminisms of colour as archives of anger, the author examines the possible responses to the injunction to feel in a certain way during the actions taken against situations of oppression.


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Ahmed, S., Canseco, B., & Tisocco, C. (2020). Smile!. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–12. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Sara Ahmed, Académica independiente

Born in England but raised in Australia, Sara Ahmed is a feminist writer and a freelance academic. Her areas of study focus on the intersection of feminist theories, queer politics, post-colonialism and anti-racist struggles, and her theoretical contributions are fundamental to understanding global regimes of production of the sensible. Until 2016 she was Professor of Cultural and Race Studies and Director of the Centre for Feminist Research at Goldsmiths, University of London, and also worked on gender studies at Lancaster University. Her books include Living a Feminist Life, The Cultural Politics of Emotions, Willful subjects, Queer phenomenology: Orientations, objects, others and Differences that matter: Feminist theory and Postmodernism. Her website is

Beto Canseco, Asentamiento Fernseh - Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Alberto (Beto) Canseco is pro-sex feminist and queer. Born in Buenos Aires, he studied philosophy at the Catholic University of Cordoba, and completed his doctorate program in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Cordoba. He is currently doing a master's degree in philosophy at the Universidade Federal do ABC (Santo André, Brazil).

César Tisocco, Asentamiento Fernseh

Cesar Tisocco is a pro-sex activist. Born in Entre Rios, he is living in Cordoba. He is a graduate from the Faculty of Languages of the National University of Córdoba.


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