Contranormative poetry and queer affectivity

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Agostina Silvestri


The gesture of producing and reading poetry can be repairing: it is not only a question of its use as an expressive means outside the rules of syntactic coherence, but it also supposes the power to manifest the horizon of what is spoken, of enveloping the historical and the affective in a unique and transformative aesthetic.

The present work intends to study the dissident poetry of the cis-hetero-normativity as means of repairing and making visible the affections displaced from the social space. It pursues the objective of investigating the connection between the affective experience, the bodily experience and public life. To this end, an exhibition and analysis of queer poetry pieces is carried out (written by Perlongher, Silvestri, Lemebel, Susy Shock and Gómez Jattin), investigating the points in communion with those that Sara Ahmed has named “Queer Feelings”. From this key, the relationship between current social norms, the affects printed in poetry and its power to reconfigure the current social fabric is analyzed.


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How to Cite
Silvestri, A. (2020). Contranormative poetry and queer affectivity. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–19. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Agostina Silvestri, Instituto de Investigaciones en Diversidad Cultural y Procesos de Cambio - UNRN - CONICET

María Agostina Silvestri has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires. After she graduated, she joined the Asociación Civil Red de Psicólogos Feministas (Civil Lawsuit Feminist Psychology Network) as a member of the psychotherapeutic care team, and later on as Coordinator of the Interprovincial Articulation Area. She currently lives in the province of Río Negro, in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. She has continued her training in the area of Gender Studies through virtual and in-person courses. Some of the virtual trainings that she has completed are the Postgraduate Course on Gender and Subjectivity (University of Buenos Aires, 2018), the Diploma in Gender and Feminist Movements (University of Buenos Aires, 2019), and the courses Sexual Diversity and Human Rights, Different forms of violence against women (Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism Secretariat, 2018) and Mental Health and Human Rights (Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism Secretariat, 2017), among other courses, seminars and clinical workshops of the Feminist Psychologists Network. Moreover, she continued her studies in in-person trainings, such as the Training in Psychodrama Coordination (Pavlovsky Group Psychodrama, 2018), the Post-Graduation in Demanicomialization and Community Mental Health (University of Rio Negro, 2018) and the Post-Graduation in Queer Theories (University of Rio Negro, 2019). She is currently engaged in research within the framework of the project Devenires alternativos: la fluidez sexo-genérica como crítica y/o emancipación de la identidad, under a CONICET doctoral scholarship in Gender Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts of the University of Buenos Aires. Alongside her academic studies, she is interested in literature and poetry as expressions and means of construction of subjectivity.


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