Affidamento masculino: El arte queer del fracaso del varón patriarcal

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Cecilia Luque


In the British film The King's Speech (2010), the friendship between King George VI and the speech therapist Lionel Logue, who treated his extreme stuttering, is depicted as an ensemble of unusual practices and affections between men, which open lines of flight from patriarchal and bourgeois hegemonic masculinity. I call this set of practices and affects, for which there is no specific name yet, male affidamento and consider it to function as a device of desubjectivation and depatriarchalization, since it enables the process by which men abandon passive obedience to pre-established patriarchal norms and risk losing their ontologically secure position as valid social subjects, even if it leads them to the uncomfortable boundary between the acceptable and the abject. Therefore, I propose that male affidamento is a form of the queer art of failure of the patriarchal male, since it resignifies the inadequacy to the normalizing prescriptions of subjectivity as an opportunity to find freer forms of being a man. I also propose that this type of popular fiction offers the public the opportunity to critically rethink their everyday experience, thus distancing myself from the position of cultural criticism according to which it is impossible to find queer proposals in products manufactured for mass consumption by multinational companies.



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How to Cite
Luque, C. (2020). Affidamento masculino: El arte queer del fracaso del varón patriarcal. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–15. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Cecilia Luque, Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctor in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literature and Linguistics in 1994 from the University of Minnesota, USA. Degree in Modern Languages from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (FFyH) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC) in 1988.


She is a member of the academic committees of the PhD program in Gender of the Center for Advanced Studies and the PhD program in Language Sciences of the Faculty of Languages, both from the UNC.


She teaches Latin American literature at the Faculty of Languages and at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the UNC, with a theoretical perspective that combines Gender Studies, Cultural Studies and Postcolonial Studies.


She conducts research in the area of Feminisms, Gender and Sexualities of the FFyH Research Centre, UNC. She is currently studying film adaptations of Anglo-Saxon canonical narratives (such as the legends of King Arthur and Robin Hood) to look into how contemporary changes in the way heroism is understood imply a critique of hegemonic paradigms of masculinity and enable the representation of dissident masculinities.


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