Dissidence and desired spaces. The irruption of a retreat knowledge in the Argentinian rock at the beginning of the 70’s.

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Adrian Pablo Fanjul


 We present here part of the results from a wider study about discursive regularization processes in the beginnings (1965-1975) of the musical production field which, in Argentina, was called rock nacional. We are supported by a materialistic discourse analysis theoretical framework, which sees regularization as the stabilization of pre-constructed entities and of the object building modes which characterize the discursive memory in a specific domain. In this article, we have selected a specific section from this wider study: a destabilization period in the early stage of national rock in which the dominant regularization co-existed with a partial deregulation. Our aim is to characterize the discursive materiality in such deregulation. For that, we will first address to a synthesis of what we propose as traces of the dominant regularization in the first years of the Argentinian rock, an explanatory construction we have reached in our wider study, by observing all the recordings in this field until the ending of the first bands between 1970 and 1971. After this synthesis, we will present, as case studies, a series of compositions recorded between 1971 and 1973, in which we may observe changes in terms of the construction of certain discourse objects, of the dominant configurations for the representation of personal entities, and of enunciative scenography traces, mainly the recurring topographies. Although our analyses are based on verbal materiality, we have studied sonority and interpretation aspects in the singing as well. We have concluded that the detected changes are related to the appearance of a subject position, characterized by what we have called retreat knowledge. We have assumed that this knowledge comes from a perception that, facing the growing violent political confrontation of that time, used to focus mainly on threats and losses, while other perspectives and voices in the cultural field would focus more on advances.


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How to Cite
Fanjul, A. P. . (2019). Dissidence and desired spaces. The irruption of a retreat knowledge in the Argentinian rock at the beginning of the 70’s. Heterotopías, 2(4), 1–24. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/27333
Author Biography

Adrian Pablo Fanjul, Universidad de San Pablo

Adrián Pablo Fanjul es doctor en Lingüística y Lengua Portuguesa por la Universidad Estadual Paulista (2002). Profesor en el Área de Español del Departamento de Letras Modernas de la Universidad de Sâo Paulo


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