Editorial note

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Mirta Antonelli


This second issue covers in his dossier "The archive in contemporary culture: policies of the inscription", by María Soledad Boero, Luis García and Natalia Magrín, a heterotopic politics of the archive; that is, it enables because it calls to address this symptom of our condition by de-regulating, anachronizing, the former paradigm of the archive as a document and temporal ordering. Both in its presentation and in the approaches that bring together the different articles, current registration policies emerge, in this kind of historical a priori of the teletechnological conditions of the possibility of culture, subjectivity and politics, as thought Derrida


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How to Cite
Antonelli, M. (2018). Editorial note. Heterotopías, 1(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/22848