"Todo lo que es sólido (casi) se desvanece en el aire, todo lo sagrado (casi) se vuelve profano": manifestaciones discursivas de una crisis de hegemonía cultural

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Claudia Briones
Ana Ramos


This article analyzes how different utterances were signified, processed and disputed between August 1st and September 27th, 2017. This lapse -that expands from the disappearance of Santiago Maldonado after the intervention of Gendarmerie in Pu Lof in Resistance in Cushamen to the unanimous approval by the Senate of the extension of Law 26,160- has shown an unprecedented discursive dynamics among members of the political society. The indigenous issue reached the national agenda profusely, even if it was to speak progressively less and less about the Mapuche, than of several other things based on them. Vis-à-vis the unusual increase of cross imputations that update signs such as "state terrorism" or "destabilization of democracy" and seemed to collapse agreements of coexistence, we wonder how and why the Senate achieves full consensus to renew the Law. We thus analyze discourse as a social practice, and pay attention to its effects and rearticulations in flow. We circumscribe the corpus to some exchanges among the political society in situations of enunciative friction - journalistic interviews, press conferences, or interpellations to officials of the Executive Power in the Senate and in Deputies. To analyze the attempts to re-agree shared floors, we analyze the debate that leads to the extension of the Law. We argue that, in the face of overflows that seemed to announce a crisis of cultural hegemony – not only as a moral and intellectual leadership that articulates consensus and consent, but also as an agreed contentious language to channel conflicts - the senators chose to relocate the discussions, rehearsing practices that allowed renegotiated common floors.


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Briones, C., & Ramos, A. (2018). "Todo lo que es sólido (casi) se desvanece en el aire, todo lo sagrado (casi) se vuelve profano": manifestaciones discursivas de una crisis de hegemonía cultural. Heterotopías, 1(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/20002


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