Focus and scope

Heterotopías is a virtual journal founded in 2018 that publishes in the Open Knowledge Journal web in Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. It was designed by the Critical Discourse Studies Department from Humanities and Philosophy School as a biannual publication meant to be a common place to spread theoretical work and field experiences related to critical analysis and the understanding of the discursive dimension of cultural and social phenomena, in Foucault’s words, ‘inside a set of relations that delineates sites which are irreducible to one another and absolutely not superimposable on one another’. From an interdisciplinary perspesctive, Heterotopías aims to gather critical study productions for discoursive refutation of the site we live in. 

Its main purpose is to be a platform for publishing scientific textual productions and supporting academic work on this area of study, considering the diversity of approaches and the necessary integration of different disciplines.

Two editors work on each issue and select the contributions to be published. Submissions are open to anyone interested in this field of study, which favors participation, especially, from faculty, graduates and students, as well as researchers from other academic institutions and other countries, depending on each issue’s characteristics. 

Policies (section)



This is a space reserved for the review and presentation of each issue by the editorial team 



Each issue is organized in terms of a thematic unit previously defined by the Editorial Committee and includes articles related to the specific theme for each edition. 



This journal publishes original articles from open calls related to the journal’s general subject matter.

It is necessary to clarify that both sections, ‘Issues’ and ‘Articles’, consist of a logical structure, as follows:

  • Title (in Spanish and English)
  • Author/s (including work place and e-mail address)
  • Summary (no longer than 300 words)
  • Keywords
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Problem and analisys
  • Results and discussions
  • Conclusions
  • Acknowledgements (optional)
  • Bibliography (use this as a model)
  • References (notes are included in the end of this section)



In this section, Heterotopías calls interviews or discussion with authors or references in the field of the issue’s main topic, though not necessarily


Space for discussion

This is a sections for more controversial, less academic and briefer interventions than those presented in the ‘Articles’ section, related to a polemic related to the theory, society or politics. The journal favors articles linked to the issue’s thematic unit, though it is not selective.



The Journal encourages submissions of original translations of texts related to the subject matter that were produced in languages other than Spanish. 



Brief reviews on bibliographical novelties, related not only to each issue’s thematic unit but also to the field’s latest novelties. Extension: between 2000 and 2500 words.      



This section includes bibliographical essays of extension and freedom broader than a review, consisting in annotations showing a deep reflection on the readings of one or more books and their place in contemporary discussion. Extension: between 4500 and 6000 words.       





Submission policies and instructions for authors

Submissions are received through the journal’s e-mail address. As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines:

  1. The paper has neither been published nor has been considered by any other on-line or printed journal (or previous explanation must be provided to the editor in Comment section).
  2. Submitted files must be in Word format.
  3. Submissions must include the URL of sources consulted in the web.
  4. Manuscripts must be typed with 1.5 times spacing, the font in text and any drawings should be Arial, size 11. If there were footnotes, they are to be listed in the References section of the paper. Italics must be used instead of underlining. All illustrations must be included in the text instead of being added at the end of the text.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined [HERE] 

Submissions: Papers must be sent by e-mail as an attached file in Word (compatible with 2003) format. In the subject, authors must include the Surname and Name of the first author followed by the word “Heterotopías”, and send the file to  


Evaluation policies

Submitted articles are subject to double-blind peer review, which is carried out by academics called specifically for each submitted work. Double-blind evaluation allows respecting the confidentiality of authors and evaluators.

If an article is rejected by one of the evaluators but accepted by the other, a third reviewer is called to decide upon its publication. If both evaluators reject after the first evaluation, the article will not be published. In case of being accepted but with a request for modifications, upon being informed of the requirements, the author will have 20 days to submit the revisited version for the evaluator to approve the changes.

The last stage before publication consists in corrections and formal adjustments made by the members of the Edition Committee or whoever they assign. 


Privacy declaration

Names and e-mail addresses included in this journal will be used exclusively for purposes established in the journal and will not be granted to third parties or used for other purposes. 


Plagiarism policy

In the prerevision stage, the editors responsible for the shipments carry out a check on the web of all the paragraphs to see if there are coincidences with other works published in magazines, forums, social networks, etc. The autoplagium will also be seen and treated Same way as common plagiarism. It is essential that the articles of all sections are ORIGINAL for publication in Heterotpios. In the case of finding matches, whether foreign or own, the article will be dismissed and the authors may not be allowed future publications in the journal. If plagiarism is detected after the publication of the number, it will be discharged.