In the link between affirmative biopolitics and precariousness. Ways of thinking about current events

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Patricia Chantefort


Acerca de: Martín De Mauro Rucovsky (2023). Bios precario. Biopolítica y precariedad en Latinoamérica. Madrid: La oveja roja.


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How to Cite
Chantefort , P. (2024). In the link between affirmative biopolitics and precariousness. Ways of thinking about current events. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-6.
Author Biography

Patricia Chantefort , Universidad Nacional de Cuyo

Professor and Graduate in Philosophy (National University of Cuyo); Specialist in University Teaching (National University of Cuyo); Master in Contemporary Practical Philosophy (National University of Mar del Plata). Researcher, director and co-director of research and extension projects (National University of Cuyo). Creator of the Gender Area of ​​the Faculty of Education-National University of Cuyo (2018). Participation in scientific events and publication of the works presented in them. Representative of the Gender Committee of AUGM (Association of Universities of the Montevideo Group). Areas of research, teaching and extension: philosophical anthropology, feminisms, gender, university teaching.

How to Cite

Chantefort , P. (2024). In the link between affirmative biopolitics and precariousness. Ways of thinking about current events. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-6.