Against Bafflement. Notes on Listening

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This essay seeks to perform an aesthetic exploration on the relations between listening and crisis of hegemony. It is based on the premise that every crisis of hegemony is a crisis of listening. This inflection is a radical temporal dislocation: the present of listening is always divided and multiplied (Nancy.) It is made of splintered times, of traces that come from different pasts. This temporal proliferation is important: it speaks of forms of memory that never quite fit into any politics of memory. To interrogate the very practice of listening can help us, then, to work on these memories precisely at a time of active war against all forms of collective memory. The essay situates the practice of listening not as personal testimony but as critical work--that is: as a work of reorientation (LaBelle) in the midst of the ongoing cultural and political mutation.


Article Details

How to Cite
Against Bafflement. Notes on Listening. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-16.
Author Biography

Gabriel Giorgi, CONICET

Gabriel Giorgi is Principal Researcher at Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica (CONICET) in Argentina and Professor at New York University. He works on Latin American contemporary literatures, art and cinema, with a focus on the Southern Cone and Brazil. Biopolitics, the non-human, and queerness articulate many of his critical interventions. He has published Sueños de exterminio. Homosexualidad y representación en la literatura argentina contemporánea (Rosario: Beatriz Viterbo, 2004), Formas comunes. Animalidad, biopolítica, cultura (Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia, 2014; translated into Portuguese in 2016) and more recently, in collaboration with Ana Kiffer, Las vueltas del odio. Gestos, escrituras, políticas (Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia, 2020; published in Brazil in 2019.) He has also co-edited with Fermin Rodriguez the anthology Excesos de vida. Ensayos sobre biopolítica (Buenos Aires: Paidós, 2007) His most recent publication is the Handbook of Latin American Environmental Aesthetics, co-edited with Jens Andermann and Victoria Saramago (De Gruyter, 2023) Besides NYU, he has been visiting professor at universities in Argentina, Brazil and Ecuador. His articles have been published in the USA, Spain and Latin America.

How to Cite

Against Bafflement. Notes on Listening. (2024). Heterotopías, 7(13), 1-16.


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