Historical reparations after 40 years of democracy

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Ana Mariani
Patricia Bacchetti


In this article, we aim to revive the essential work of repairing the records of members of the University community who were victims of the illegal actions of State terrorism. The Human Rights Observatory, which is part of the Department of University Extension of the National University of Córdoba (UNC), and the Provincial Archive of Memory are jointly carrying out the search, repair, and delivery of records of UNC students, teachers, administrators, and graduates. The objective is to document the true reasons that led to the disruption of the work or academic performance of those who were victims of the last and bloodiest civic-military dictatorship that our country endured. These are stories of lives that were intentionally erased and, during years of impunity, their memories were dishonored by the very State responsible for those crimes. Through this work, we aim to highlight that the dictatorship would not have been possible, at least in its entirety, without the collaboration of civilians who, from within the students’ boards, provided lists of names to the perpetrators and betrayed students, teachers, and administrators. The first academic unit of UNC to complete the task, which took almost three years of work, was the school Escuela Superior de Comercio Manuel Belgrano. On September 15, 2023, they handed over the records to the relatives of the victims from that institution. Leading up to this restitution, there was a long journey spanning many years, during which various academic units worked tirelessly to unveil the truth. The institutional contributions made to bring these records to light were invaluable. With this writing, we believe that efforts such as the reparation of records are crucial in the process of constructing collective memory to stand against denialism and its associated behaviors of hatred and oblivion, which aim to dismantle social bonds.


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How to Cite
Mariani, A., & Bacchetti, P. (2023). Historical reparations after 40 years of democracy. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-26. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/43597
Inscriptions of the catastrophe
Author Biographies

Ana Mariani

Ana Mariani. Investigative journalist. She worked in Barcelona for the publishing houses Seix Barral and Gustavo Gili, and in Córdoba she worked for three years for the newspapers Córdoba and Tiempo de Córdoba, and twenty-six years for the newspaper La Voz del Interior. She won national and international awards, among others, the first Adepa award in 2002, in the Public Good category, for her articles on the right to identity and irregular situations in the surrender of children for adoption. She is co-author of the multimedia publication on exhumations of missing persons in the San Vicente cemetery in Córdoba, based on her research, which in 2005 was chosen as a finalist for the New Ibero-American Journalism Foundation award, directed by Gabriel García Márquez. Author of the books La vida por delante. La tragedia de los chicos del Colegio Manuel Belgrano, Ediciones del Boulevard, co-author of La Perla. Historia y testimonios de un campo de concentración, Aguilar, 2012 and of La Cuca. Mirta Graciela Antón, the only woman sentenced to life imprisonment for crimes against humanity, Aguilar, 2018. She is currently working on an investigation together with journalist Patricia Bacchetti.

Patricia Bacchetti

Patricia Bacchetti. Journalist and producer. She graduated from the National University of Córdoba with a degree in Social Communication and took postgraduate courses on international politics and digital communication at the Complutense University of Madrid and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. As a journalist, he has worked in Argentina and Spain, where he has lived for 20 years. He started at La Voz del Interior and collaborated with coverage from Madrid and Barcelona and has written for Spanish magazines such as La Clave or Aral. In Madrid, he performed institutional tasks in the press office of the Spanish Ministry of Culture. In Barcelona, he moderated history conferences organized by the Casal Català. In Córdoba, he produced television and radio programs and editorial events. For nine years she was in charge of corporate communications for the Cervantes Institution in Cordoba. Currently she continues to develop her journalistic work collaborating in investigations with journalist Ana Mariani.

How to Cite

Mariani, A., & Bacchetti, P. (2023). Historical reparations after 40 years of democracy. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-26. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/43597


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Fuentes consultadas

Archivo Provincial de la Memoria.

Área de DD.HH. de la Facultad de Historia de la UNC.

Centro de Documentación Audiovisual de la UNC.

Comisión de DD.HH. de la Escuela Superior de Comercio Manuel Belgrano.

Observatorio de DD.HH. de la Secretaría de Extensión Universitaria de la UNC.

Área de DD.HH. de la FCC de la UNC

Informe de Investigación sobre el contexto y las víctimas del Terrorismo de Estado en la Escuela Superior de Comercio “Manuel Belgrano” (Anexo Resolución)

Programa de DD.HH. de la FFyH de la UNC.

Resolución 179/2021 del Consejo Superior de la UNC. Recueprado de: https://digesto.unc.edu.ar/handle/123456789/500614