Inflections of the memorial turn in the Argentine literary field: theoretical debates and literary designs

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Teresa Basile


We propose to interrogate the extent to which the experience of state terrorism in Argentina provoked transformations in the cultural, artistic, and literary field. We begin by considering the change in the political-cultural context of Argentina and the Southern Cone in the 1980s, given by the defeat of the revolutionary left, the beginning of democracies and the emergence of memory politics, which implies a shift from the revolutionary matrix to the human rights agenda. 

So, what were the challenges –movements, transformations, shifts, innovations– that arose, and what responses did literature (in aesthetics, literary genres, in the canon, in representations, and imaginaries) and the new inquiries of literary criticism attempt to address? The formation of an area of ​​literature and memory studies, of an interdisciplinary nature, was established to try to account for these significant changes that intervened in a certain order and knowledge of the literary field. This area is characterized by establishing a series of debates that are specific, especially those referring to the representation of radical evil, by organizing a specific textual corpus focused on testimony as well as new logics in the production circuit (writer, institutions, market, reception), by the preeminence of some particular aesthetic tendencies in relation to literary genres, writings, tropes, imaginaries and languages, by recovering certain literary traditions and genealogies that now not only refer to the national or Latin American canon, but also to the literatures that emerged around the Shoah, for the new links with social movements and activisms that redefine the autonomous status of art, for working on many occasions with intermediary artistic expressions that combine diverse forms of art demanding the need to consider an artistic field and not just literary.


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Basile, T. (2023). Inflections of the memorial turn in the Argentine literary field: theoretical debates and literary designs. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-32.
Inscriptions of the catastrophe
Author Biography

Teresa Basile, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Professor of Literature, BA in Latin American Literature and PhD in Literature from the National University of La Plata-Argentina (UNLP). She holds a Master's degree in Hispanic Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. She is Director (since 2018) of the Center for Literary Theory and Criticism (IdIHCS-CONICET-UNLP). She is a member of the Advisory Committee of the Master in History and Memory (UNLP, since 2019). She is Chair -together with Bernardita Llanos- of Lasa Cono Sur (Pittsburgh, 2021-2023). She was Vice-President of the International Ibero-American Literature Institute-IILI (Pittsburgh, 2016-2020). She serves as Full Professor of Latin American Literature II. She directs the R&D Project of the Incentive Program of the Ministry of Education of Argentina: Violence, literature and memory in the Latin American literary field of the last decades.

He has published El desarme de Calibán. Debates culturales y diseños literarios en la posdictadura uruguaya (Pittsburgh, 2018) and Infancias. La narrativa argentina de HIJOS (EDUVIM, 2019), as well as a set of collective volumes: Inscripciones de una revuelta. Testimonios del terrorismo sexuado (with M. Chiani, EDULP, 2023); Voces de la violencia. Avatars del testimonio en el Cono Sur (EDULP, 2020, with M. Chiani); Las posmemorias: Perspectivas latinoamericanas y europeas = Les post-mémoires: Perspectives latino-américaines et européennes (with C. González, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and the Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2020); Literature and violence in recent Latin American narrative (UNLP Critical Collective Collection, 2015), Bolaño in his stories (Almenara-Leiden, with P. Aguilar, 2015); Lezama: origins, revolution and after? (Corregidor, with N. Calomarde, 2013); Onetti out of himself (Katatay, with E. Foffani, 2013); La vigilia cubana. On Antonio José Ponte (Beatriz Viterbo, 2008); Literaturas compartidas (Colección Colectivo crítico de la UNLP, with E. Foffani, 2014); the dossier Las tramas de la memoria for the journal Alter/nativas, Fall 5, 2015, Ohio University (with A. Trigo); and Derrota, melancolía y desarme en la literatura latinoamericana de las últimas décadas (co-edited with A. M. Amar Sánchez, 2014, Special Issue of Revista Iberoamericana Vol. LXXX April-June 2014 No. 247, of IILI, Pittsburgh). 

She is a founding member of the Literature and Human Rights Network and coordinator, together with Emilia Perassi and Jaume Peris Blanes, of the research line "Formas del testimonio: memorias transgeneracionales y transnacionales" since 2021; she is a founding member of the Research Network: Violence and Representation in Latin America ( and of the Academic Network of Teaching and Research in Latin American Literature Katatay.


How to Cite

Basile, T. (2023). Inflections of the memorial turn in the Argentine literary field: theoretical debates and literary designs. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-32.


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