Can the poetic word heal?

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Daniela Spósito


Acerca de: Masin, C. (2022). Curar y ser curados. Poesía y reparación. Buenos Aires: Las Furias Editora.


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How to Cite
Spósito, D. (2023). Can the poetic word heal?. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-7.
Author Biography

Daniela Spósito, CIFFyH, UNC

 Post-doctorate from the National University of Córdoba in Education in Latin America: policies, institutions and processes of the Multidisciplinary Program of Continuing Education for Doctors in Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. D. in Semiotics from the National University of Córdoba. Master in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the National University of Córdoba. Degree in Philosophy from the National University of Córdoba. She is part of the research group on "Public space and common life: theoretical and conceptual reflections, situated problems" (CIFFyH). She has published in specialized academic journals. He published Prensa gráfica oligopólica, (in)seguridad y Estado (Eduvim, 2015) and other co-authored books. He was a member of the editorial group of the journal "Tramas, para leer la literatura argentina". The book based on his doctoral thesis is in press.

How to Cite

Spósito, D. (2023). Can the poetic word heal?. Heterotopías, 6(12), 1-7.


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