Debates in local feminism against the punitive turn. Outlines of a long-term resistance.

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Sofía Cáceres Sforza


This work aims, on the one hand, to outline some characteristics of the configuration of what sociologists, philosophers, and criminologists have named “punitive turn” (e.g., Garland, Larrauri, Wacquant) and how this turn has related to sexual panic and
neoconservatism elements of neoliberalism (Cohen, Pitch, Brown). On the other hand, we attempt to reflect on how these characteristics had permeate with idiosyncratic elements of the discourses and actions displayed by some parts of the local feminist movement faced with the feedback of notable cases (such as Nahir Galarza and Micaela García). Finally, we try to show that counter to such interlocked trends, there exists a resistance that draws attention to the ways in which this punitive reconfiguration of feminist claims has undermined the aims of the movement itself and has reinforced control, surveillance, and harassment devices as the flip side of the discourse of rights.

Article Details

How to Cite
Debates in local feminism against the punitive turn. Outlines of a long-term resistance. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-16.
Author Biography

Sofía Cáceres Sforza, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. CONICET

PhD Candidate in Social Studies at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL). Doctoral Fellow of CONICET. Degree in Political Science from the Faculty of Social Work of the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER). She has participated in research and development projects on classical and contemporary political theory, feminism, recent history, 19th century, among other topics. She is currently part of the project "Cuerpo (im)propio: debates teóricos políticos sobre eutanasia, suicide and abortion. Sovereignty of the self and punitivism in Modernity".

How to Cite

Debates in local feminism against the punitive turn. Outlines of a long-term resistance. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-16.


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