Invoke the archive Writing the impossible from the south Escribir lo imposible desde el sur

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Maria Grazia Paesani
Ana Julia Crosa


This article proposes to think about a queer affective archive from the categories of the affective turn and deconstruction. We consider that archiving is a political gesture and the archive concept supposes a theory of cultural relevance, in which different forms of narrative economy come into play. We start from a situated thought [dis/oriented to the south] and the ways in which we can read the texts that build identities. In this invocation of an affective archive. We are interested in thinking about the word count both in the sense of counting as a narrative, and in what counts for its value to ask us: How the affective ties of queer/lesbian life are counted? in two novels La insumisa de Cristina Peri Rossi (2022) y En la casa de los sueños (2022) de Cármen María Machado. We maintain that the narrative economy constructs differential ways of telling stories that deviate from the heterocisexual norm and that escape from the institutionalized forms of the archive. We cros over the archive concepts of Jacques Derrida, Anne Cvetkovich and José Esteban Muñoz to put into play that queer archives can be read as a deconstructed archive, that is, as a constellation of ephemeral traces, insofar as they are and are not a presence.


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How to Cite
Paesani, M. G., & Crosa, A. J. (2023). Invoke the archive Writing the impossible from the south: Escribir lo imposible desde el sur. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-16.
Author Biographies

Maria Grazia Paesani, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.

Maria Grazia Paesani is PhD candidate in Letters, Graduate in Modern Letters and Technician in Literary Correction by the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba. They currently participates in the Reading Group “Deutero pensamiento y Deutero lectura en textualidades derrideanas” directed by Dr. Ana Levstein, based at Centro de Investigaciones en Periodismo y Comunicación (CIPeCo) "Hector Toto Schmucler", UNC. They works as an Assistant Professor of the Chair of Dramaturgy in the Dpto. de Teatro, Facultad de Artes (UNC), in Theory of Social Discourses II and Hermeneutics in the Escuela de Letras, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades (UNC). They investigate the crossover between a critical lesbian queer writing and contemporary stage experiences of artistic activism. Lesbianx queer.

Ana Julia Crosa, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Ana Julia Crosa is a Graduate and Professor in Psychology by the Faculty of Psychology of the National University of Córdoba. She is currently participating in the Research Project “Emociones, temporalidades, imágenes: hacia una crítica de la sensibilidad neoliberal” (Consolidar-Secyt), directed by Dr. Eduardo Mattio and Co-directed by Mr. Liliana Pereyra, based at Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades "María Saleme de Burnichon", UNC. She practice the clinic and participate in the Network of Feminist Psychologists, Regional Córdoba. She research about lesbian narratives from the affective turn and queer/cuir theory. Lesbian, cisendosexual, pro-sex feminist.

How to Cite

Paesani, M. G., & Crosa, A. J. (2023). Invoke the archive Writing the impossible from the south: Escribir lo imposible desde el sur. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-16.


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