Give (the) mourning notes

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Vir Cano


The following texts are part of a series of writings that reflect, in the hybrid form of an intimate diary, philosophical notes and the poetization of self-hetero-biography (as Derrida said), on the experience of mourning my brother Nicolás, who died when he was twenty years old and I was fourteen.

Article Details

How to Cite
Give (the) mourning notes. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-5.
Zona de debate
Author Biography

Vir Cano, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. CONICET

They hold a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Buenos Aires, teaches at national and public universities (UBA, UNTREF and UNLA) and is a lesbian and trans-feminist activist. They are an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET and at the Gender Studies Research Institute of the UBA (IIEGE). They are the author of Ética tortillera. Ensayos en torno al éthos y la lengua de las amantes (ed. Madreselva), Nietzsche (ed Galerna), Borrador para un abecedario del desacato (ed. Madreselva), Dar (el) duelo. Notas para septiembre (ed Galerna) and Po/éticas afectivas. Apuntes para una re-educación sentimental (ed Galerna). They have co-authored with Judith Butler and Laura Fernández Cordero, Vidas en lucha. Conversaciones (ed. Katz). They have also compiled the collective volume, Nadie viene sin un mundo. Ensayos sobre la sujeción e invención de unx mismx (ed. Madreselva), and co-compiled with Ma. Luisa Femenías and Paula Torricella, Judith Butler. Su filosofía a debate (FFyL-UBA).

How to Cite

Give (the) mourning notes. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-5.