Textures for the analysis of mediatizations
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The analysis of mediatizations and their discourses has become, almost inadvertently, an interdisciplinary activity. Ethnography, media ecology and digital data analysis, with their neologisms and anglicisms, are articulated in a process that will be continued been developed. This article recovers the dimension and the concept of texture as a way of the analytic rescuing of the materiality of the media. From this point of view, what is exchanged in each media discursive system is a materiality that, by itself, and in articulation with other series, is the basis of the meaning produced and exchanged. Next, different interdisciplinary uses of the term texture will be collected and it will be exemplified with cases in various mediatizations. The usefulness of the textural will be defended, both to articulate the discursive with other disciplines, and to contribute to improving data capture processes by processing software.
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