Lives reunited About Dani Zelko's urgent editions of the Reunion project (2017-2021)

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Julieta Yelin


The Reunion project, by Argentine artist and editor Dani Zelko, is the result of the creation of a collaborative writing procedure: someone speaks and Zelko transcribes -by hand, without any recording system- what he is able to hear, using the pauses inherent to orality to change the line. Once printed, the texts are read in a circle of nine chairs with the participation of relatives, friends and neighbors.

The Urgent Editions collect poems-testimonies of people going through traumatic situations (state violence, marginalization, migration, natural catastrophes). This paper proposes a reading of the corpus of books that so far comprise the series. It is based on some questions about the ways in which life and writing are knotted and transfigured in the texts: what happens to the authorial figure in the poems?; How do voice and writing, body and thought intertwine in them?; What notion of urgency emerges from these books? What role does the theatrical dimension play in the project? Taking as a reference Suely Rolnik's contributions on what she characterizes as "violence of the capitalist colonial regime" (Spheres of Insurrection), the hypothesis of this paper argues that Zelko's project promotes the affirmation of the scene of shared life writing as a field of intense micropolitical work; on the one hand, because it allows writers to appropriate their vital forces of creation and collaboration and, on the other, because the procedure dissolves the classical oppositions between writing and orality, poetics and politics, testimony and invention.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Yelin, J. (2022). Lives reunited: About Dani Zelko’s urgent editions of the Reunion project (2017-2021). Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-16.
Author Biography

Julieta Yelin, Universidad Nacional de Rosario / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Julieta Yelin (Rosario, 1976) holds a PhD in Humanities with a major in Literature from the National University of Rosario. She is currently an Adjunct Researcher at CONICET and Professor of Cultural Management (UNR). She is director of the Bulletin of the Centro de Estudios de Teoría y Crítica Literaria of the Facultad de Humanidades y Artes (UNR) and member of the editorial board of the electronic journal Badebec. She published Biopoéticas para las biopolíticas. El pensamiento literario latinoamericano ante la cuestión animal (Latin American Research Commons, 2020) and La letra salvaje. Essays on literature and animality (Beatriz Viterbo, 2015). She edited, in collaboration with Judith Podlubne, 2021. Veinte ensayos sobre literatura y vida en el siglo XXI (CELA, CETyCLI and Editorial Municipal de Rosario, 2021) and, in collaboration with Elisa Martínez Salazar, Kafka en las dos orillas. Antología de la recepción crítica española e hispanoamericana (Prensas de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 2013).

How to Cite

Yelin, J. (2022). Lives reunited: About Dani Zelko’s urgent editions of the Reunion project (2017-2021). Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-16.


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