The Discontinuing Force Of Forgetting In The Philosophy Of Walter Benjamin

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Luciana Espinosa
Senda Sferco


Benjamin's criticism diagnoses a decline in experience in modernity and calls for a review of the temporal coordinates in which it has encrypted the possibility of a historical transformation. In this study, we address one of the key themes of this t problematization: the relationship between forgetting and memory as a condition that allows opening a pause within the continuum of an emptied time, in order to recover a possibility of experience. To do so, we will make a tour of some of his readings of Baudelaire, Freud, Bergson and Proust, analyzing the particularities that allow him to elaborate the peculiar conceptualization of one of the central notions of his thesis On the concept of history, namely, "remembrance", at the end of the 1930s. Problematic that incorporates forgetting as a basal instance of memory work, showing the discontinuous force of time and a path capable of accommodating an experience in front of the sentence of its expiration.


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How to Cite
Espinosa, L., & Sferco, S. (2020). The Discontinuing Force Of Forgetting In The Philosophy Of Walter Benjamin. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-24.
Author Biographies

Luciana Espinosa, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Luciana Espinosa is a professor of Philosophy (FFyL/UBA). Recently she has delivered her doctoral thesis called "The productivity of melancholy in Walter Benjamin: language, knowledge and experience" (FFyL/UBA). She has published several articles in specialized national and international journals, giving an account of the partial results of her research. At the same time, she teaches at the Ciclo Básico Común (UBA), its distance learning program (UBAXXI), and the undergraduate and graduate levels of the School of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires. 

Senda Sferco, Universidad de Buenos Aires.

Senda Sferco has a degree in Anthropology from the National University of Rosario (Argentina), a postgraduate degree in Cultural and Artistic Studies from the School of Arts of Indonesia (STSI Denpasar), a doctorate in Social Sciences from the National University of Quilmes (Argentina) and a doctorate in Philosophy from the Université Paris 8 (France). She works as an assistant researcher for the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research based at the Gino Germani Research Institute of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, and as an undergraduate and graduate professor at the National University of the Litoral. Within the framework of contemporary philosophical and political thought, her research investigates, from interdisciplinary perspectives, the problematization of the temporality that governs the production of subjectivity and political action in our times.

How to Cite

Espinosa, L., & Sferco, S. (2020). The Discontinuing Force Of Forgetting In The Philosophy Of Walter Benjamin. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-24.


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