Paratopic non-place and community belonging. Gabriel Casaccia and the Paraguayan exile
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This article aims to make a contribution to the characterization of the Paraguayan exile culture in Argentina, based on a specific case, Gabriel Casaccia's novel Los exiliados (1966) and the reaction it generated in the context of the Paraguayan collective of the sixties. I will refer specifically to the response of Carlos Martínez Gamba, another writer, also Paraguayan and exiled as Casaccia, but whose work is based on a very different political and linguistic program. For the analysis of this episode, I resort, on the one hand, to the characterization that, from the migratory studies, was carried out around the Paraguayan migration as a community (Halpern, 2009); and, on the other hand, to the concept of paratopie (Maingueneau, 2004) in order to describe the positions that writers build on themselves or their work from their own discourse.
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How to Cite
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