Rituality and rock art in the Villicum Mountain Range (San Juan). The case of the Quebrada La Pola site

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Alejandro García
Gina Domeneghini
Fredi Martín Varas
Oscar Riveros


One of the ways of explaining the production of rock art is its link with the development of rituals. The abundant rock art record of the province of San Juan (central-western Argentina) provides cases in which this perspective can be tested. One of them is the La Pola ravine, known as the scene of religious and witchcraft activities in colonial and modern times, and whose sacred character could date back to pre-Hispanic times. In this sense, we identified a set of motifs that could be associated with canonical messages involved in rituals and account for the repeated execution of these activities. This paper presents the analysis of these motifs and examines other aspects that would be closely related to their execution, such as the chronological continuity of the rituals, the use of space and the possible shamanic character of some of them.


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García, A., Domeneghini, G., Varas, F. M., & Riveros, O. (2024). Rituality and rock art in the Villicum Mountain Range (San Juan).: The case of the Quebrada La Pola site. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/comechingonia/article/view/42523


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