Anuran consumption pattern by Athene cunicularia: implications for the archaeological record of the Pampean region

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Ana Paula Alcaraz
Cristian Kaufmann


The Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) belongs to the family Strigidae and is widely distributed throughout the plains of South America. This species is seasonal opportunist and consumes a wide range of vertebrates and arthropods. This work evaluates the seasonal diet of the burrowing owl. Besides, we provide a taphonomic characterization of the anuran bone prey remains that will help to identify the predator in fossil contexts. The study was conducted in a peri-urban sector in Olavarría city, Buenos Aires Province. Pellets and uneaten remains scattered around four owl burrows were weekly collected. Our results show that, among vertebrates, rodents were the main prey in winter, and anurans in summer. Burrowing owls produced little to moderate modifications on amphibian bone remains. The more frequent modifications of bone surface due to the digestive effects were polishing, thinning, and splitting.


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Alcaraz, A. P., & Kaufmann, C. (2021). Anuran consumption pattern by Athene cunicularia: implications for the archaeological record of the Pampean region. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 26(2), 99–112.


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