the Fat consumption among hunter-gatherers on the South Coast of Tierra del Fuego during the Late Holocene: an evaluation based on zooarcheology and stable isotopes.

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Daniela Verónica Alunni
Sayuri Kochi
Augusto Tessone
Atilio Francisco Zangrando


This paper explores the role of terrestrial lipids in hunter-gatherer subsistence along the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego during the late Holocene.  In this regard, the results from two independent lines of evidence are discussed: zooarchaeological studies of the processing of guanacos bones, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes analyses on human bone remains. d13C y d15N values show that human groups consumed mainly marine foods, but with a contribution in equal parts of C3 energy and marine energy. This result suggests a high intake of terrestrial lipids and carbohydrates, even when dietary protein is mainly of marine origin. It is consistent with the use of costly extractive techniques related to the preparation of bone grease observed in the zooarchaeological record. Butchering strategy is not, however, similar in all archaeological localities on the southern coast of Tierra del Fuego, which probably is related to the differential availability of guanacos. In this sense, scheduled handling of fats may have been required to cope with the occasional deficit of lipids and to secure its provision in the area and throughout the annual cycle. 


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Alunni, D. V., Kochi, S., Tessone, A., & Zangrando, A. F. . (2021). the Fat consumption among hunter-gatherers on the South Coast of Tierra del Fuego during the Late Holocene: an evaluation based on zooarcheology and stable isotopes. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 25(3), 195–228.


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