Ti hunting strategies and cultural landscapes in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca

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Enrique Moreno


 The landscape category is one of the concepts of greatest theoretical, methodological and technical development of the last years regarding archaeology. Despite it is not a term of new introduction in our discipline, the variability of approaches as well as its potential and limits have been central for the development in global scale of the knowledge about interaction between the human populations and the environments in a long historical sequence. We are far from pretending here to develop a long and dense discussion of theoretical models and methodological applications related to this concept, being the target to evaluate its riches and its scope and its possibilities around a particular problematic, such as the hunting strategies in the landscape of the puna catamarqueña. This particular case allows us to incorporate concepts, theoretical and methodological tools, which will be discussed and implemented on the obtained evidences. In order to achieve that, we will retake the information obtained of field works performed in the quebrada de Antofalla and the Quebrada Seca, both located in the Antofagasta de la Sierra Department, from the position of the study of the landscape understood in terms of a constant articulation between landscapes and beings, both human and nonhuman.


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How to Cite
Moreno, E. (2013). Ti hunting strategies and cultural landscapes in Antofagasta de la Sierra, Catamarca. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 17(2), 165–190. https://doi.org/10.37603/2250.7728.v17.n2.18196