Apuntes para una semiótica de la materialidad

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José María Vaquer


In this paper I suggest some theoretical – methodological thoughts on the use of Semiotics as a frame to interpret materiality. To achieve this aim, it´s necessary to complement Semiotic with Practice Theory and with the concept of performance as defi ned by Behavioral Archaeology. Peirce considered the sign as a tree – fold dynamic entity, which allow a potential to interpret material culture. I consider materiality as a relationship between subjects and objects, which from an historical and contingent process of objectivation defi nes them both. Practice Theory focus on the social practices of agents as a means of production and reproduction of society. The relationship between agents and material culture can be understood through the performance characteristic of objects, which enable them to participate in various activities. Therefore, Behavioral Archaeology can provide the methodological frame to interpret the meaning of material culture. Finally, I consider the potential of the theoretical frame presented to interpret the relationship between past and present, though meanings attributed to material culture by investigators and local populations.


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How to Cite
Vaquer, J. M. (2012). Apuntes para una semiótica de la materialidad. Comechingonia. Revista De Arqueología, 16(1), 13–29. https://doi.org/10.37603/2250.7728.v16.n1.17959